What is something you REFUSE to buy the cheap version of?

  1. Scotch tape. The knock off brands won't stick to anything.

  2. Art supplies. no way in hell am i using those crusty af markers that are already dry and those colored pencils that break after 2 uses and barely make a mark on the paper

  3. Pillows. My back and neck are FUCKED from my service time. I constantly had a locked up upper back and neck and had to go to the chiropractor multiple times per month until I bought a Gemini pillow ($150ish) and oh my God this is what it feels like to live without neck pain. I'll never buy a normal retail pillow again.

  4. Laundry detergent. Used to buy the cheap stuff thinking I was saving money but I was simply wasting it. They're so watered down, don't clean as effectively as the name brand. And there's no lingering scent of detergent that I prefer. I like tide and persil.


What was the worst job Interview you've had?